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0205 Class Blog

Thursday, April 13, 2006
Bu Hao
Anyway to the people of S02/05 of Anderson Junior College. Hasn't I warned you all about reading my blog? Oh you forgetful creatures. Forgetfulness of other people's really irritates me a lot, especially on these sort of matters. Well, if you have some sense of... oh, should be common sense, please stop behaving like little children doing some dirty little tricks behind my back. Nah nah, all these tricks are reserved for 12 years and below. You are welcomed to classify yourself under that age group as you deemed, because it's none of my business, just pray that you don't let me catch you doing some evil things behind my back.

Stop thinking that you have triumphed over me. I asked you to remove that is because I don’t like people publishing untrue things about me. Moreover, you have disgraced yourself by using all the vulgarities and fallacies all over the place. So why should I feel irritated. Your inference is wrong and I should be more than happy that you have done it. You make a bad reputation of yourself more than making one for me. But I would not feel like that, because I pity you that your plan had backfired.

Anyway, there is some information that I would like to correct you regarding the post that you have deleted.

Firstly, your complexion is worse than mine, so you are in no way to comment on my complexion. You are constantly having an outbreak, and you skin texture is worse than mine. However, I only have blemishes that are easily removed by an afternoon of intensive sun tanning, and there is only occasional outbreak when I don’t take care of my diet. And yes, I admit that I do have an uneven skin, but not as uneven as yours, and my trouble is easily taken care of when I use light make up (when I need to go on stage), while yours... I would think that no amount of concealer will help. I shall tell you the reason why, the acne of yours is really clustered, and um... really red, hence, strong concealer might not even work for you, and your face is really that uneven, and coupled with you not shaving, it really looks... very umkempt. Well, I have gone through that stage before, but now I have recovered pretty well, and my secret to this is using products from dettol and it really works well. You should try that on yourself too, and I welcome you to criticize on my complexion when you have improved to something better than mine.

Secondly, the bags I use are in vogue. For your information, the bags that I am currently using and I carry on my shoulders are called ‘tote bags’, and they are being used by guys in Japan for at least ten years, but the fashion is only brought over to Singapore in this couple of years. One very good prove is that the brand, New Urban Male, which targeted audience are the metrosexuals and fashionistas (most of them are straight males) are selling these bags, to the males. So, it already overturned your words by calling them ladies’ handbags. Therefore, I urge you to do some research before commenting on my fashion sense, because, from your entry, you are deemed passé.

Thirdly, I wonder if you read magazines meant for straight males? Please take a copy of 'Men's Health' at Kinokuniya at Takashimaya, and read the advertisments inside. (For your information, 'Men's Health' is a magazine meant for straight males as you can only find sex tips on heterosexual sex inside, but not homosexual sex.) I can tell you, most of the advertisment inside are talking about keeping up with the clean looks for males, and all the advertisment related to the above topic contain a particular similarity, advertising for hair removal. Nowadays, having body hair is not deemed as being man or strong anymore. It only shows to the ladies that you are dirty. So, why can't I shave my legs? I want to keep myself clean, and it is really uncomfortable having hairs, especially long ones, sticking on your legs when you finished PE and going home in the PE attire, which the bottom is a pair of shorts. And it really looks disgusting. Again, this shows how passé you are. Please catch up with the fashion current okay?

The following is a reply to your latest post.

If you say that my “fingers would suffice” when it come to counting friends, um... then I must assume that you think of my as the thousand hands Buddha. Firstly, you should do some research and ask around before you make this statement. One very good reference would be your best friend, Kai Siong in HCI, another good reference would be Wee Leng in the class. I think that your stand in the very first few sentences in this post is already shaky. Hence, I urge you to stop saying all these to make yourself more embarrass. I am advising you this, because I am a kind person.

And then, I have never said that you don’t have the right to criticize me, but you must make a sound one, like what I am doing to you now. Giving names, yes, you can, but give one that is really apt. The ones that you have given to me in the past were... somehow, politically wrong, like sissy and something like that. I admit that I do think like a female sometimes, but I think like a career woman with a great career, and not those aunties. And for your information, I love formal wear that makes you look really powerful and confidence rather than those that make you look really like a girl. Hence, you should really think of a good one before giving, if not people will find that it is really unture, and in the end, you are actually hurting yourself more than me.

Now I shall explain why I said something about that girl.

Firstly, her attitude wasn’t good to me since last year. I have always replied her with a smiling face, but yet, most of the time, she replied me with a blank, or an irritated face. How someone who is sweet shows a blank or irritated face to people? Hence, you are wrong, because you only see one side of the fact by claiming that she is sweet. Moreover, I can feel your biasness towards her when you mentioned that she paid for your taxi fare when you fixed her computer. I would do the same thing too, because I am indirectly paying for your service, and this is deemed as a must, or very appropriate to me, and hence, I would not describe someone as sweet when someone pay for my taxi fare when I provide my service for them. I feel that what she had done is a responsibility and not something extra. You can say that I don’t see the other side of her, being a friendly person to the class, but I have to disprove you. Yes, I do see her chatting happily with other people in the class, but not to me, hence, I can conclude that she is prejudiced towards me.

Secondly, her reaction towards my joke was over-doing, and was really arrogance. In my secondary school days, we always cracked this sort of jokes, and never got angry with each other. You can check with Weeleng over the things that had happened in secondary school with my cliques. And then, the joke wasn’t directed at her, so I don’t understand why she must get so angry or pissed off. If she had disproved with my joke, she could have done it with a much more amicable tone. Must she do it in a pissed off and serious tone? The answer is, no. If you ask anyone who was at the table at that time, they would say that they have felt the tension between me and her. Was it me who created the tension? So why should I be blamed when I called her a snob? She is really a snob towards me, but not to you. Haven’t you heard of people calling Sun Ho a disgrace of the church, but people calling her a fantastic person? Did these 2 parties ever have any conflict with each other? Obviously not, people only try to explain their thoughts in an amicable tone, but not an agressive or arrogance one. They disagree with each other, but I have never seen the conflict between the City Harvest, and the non-City Harvest people. I believe that you definately have came across cliques that are formed by City Harvest and non-City Harvest Chirstians. Since they can deal with something big like this which affects the image of the religion, with such peaceful attitude, why can't she do the same thing too, when it is only a small joke not directed at her?

In conclusion, I can say that you, by making such an aggressive and unreasonable comment on your blog, is a bias person.

Frankly speaking, I feel worried for your GP grades because I find that you can’t argue well. Are you down for BRIDGE for essay? If you are, please make full use of it. If you are not, please make an effort to go for the lessons, and it may help you in arguing with people.

I hope that without me going through the trouble (it is not trouble actually, as I can also learn something in the process) of flipping through my notes on fallacy to point out which one that you have made when you tried to defame me, and slander me with all your might. You have failed and wasted your effort.

Anyway, below are some advice I am giving to you, to make you a better person.

Please do not curse and scold during Math lectures. Do you know how many people are displeased with you when you are trying to make that speech about how bad the lecturer teaches? If you are really displease with that lecturer, please approach him or her personally, or leave him or her a note, both in a diplomatic manner, like what the Nanyang JC2 literature students are doing, instead of whining and whining like a child who never grows up to people around you. I know that you will always remain a child in your parents’ heart, but you would not be one among you’re the hearts if your classmates for this stage of life, and neither will you when you are in the army next year, and never when you are out to work in the future. Learn to grow up, you don’t need to whine to get things done. Whining never helps. You can argue that I whine, and I admit it, but I never whine to get things done, I always take initiative if I need help from people, or when I need to get things done. (So do you think that in our collaboration the other time, did I whine to you to get the poster done? Nope, I gave you ample time, and I even apologized for sending you the information late. I would like you to answer to me, truthfully and according to the society's perception, was I whining?)

And please don’t think that you are of someone who is great. It really irritates people when they read your blog, by commenting how things were not according to your way in a high profile manner. (I can easily quote from your blog, but I would not be that unruly to do something like that, as I know that people can google the excepts that I have posted and find your blog. I am not that unethical.) Firstly, you are not that high profile. Remember what we have learnt in the GP tutorial? The one when Miss Low discussed the PM speech? I hope you do remember that. Be more humble the next time.

Thirdly, if you forbid people to comment on other people, then please stop commenting on other people yourself. I clearly know that you have been commenting on how one guy had been doing with the coursework. And I don’t know why you are doing this, when you forbid people to comment on people whom you think are sweet. Aren’t you going back on your words, as what you have claimed about me? And for your information again, when I told him about it, he told me that he knew about it all along and just laughed it off. And definately, I can conclude that he is much sweeter than the girl you are protecting, as from what I have observed, he doesn't even bear any grudges with anyone of you all, even though he knows that you all are talking behind his back.

There are actually more things that I want to say about you, but I think that I don’t want to embarrass you too much, because you have already make yourself look bad enough. (If you think that with the people within the class is supporting you are enough, then you are wrong. The world is so much bigger outside. And you need support of people who are in a much higher hierarchy to support your actions. This is what I have, but not you.)

If you want me to go to the mean side of commenting you, well, the following would be an example:

You are really lackluster when I compare you with your fellow secondary schoolmates. Take for example, people like Junzhe and Kai Siong whom you know, they are, obviously, behaving much more gentlemanly in whatever they do. For example, when it comes to talking to people or doing presentation, they look very sincere, and unlike you, who looks really sloppy and not serious, or really egoistic (your clothes were tucked out most of the time, and your tone was not very appropriate, as you sound like a political leader, from the opposition party, trying to stir up the emotions of your supporters in a desperate situation). If you are doing a project presentation for your company and I am the client, I would walk straight out of the conference room, and tell your boss that I am very disappointed with the presentation... You make me feel that you are no different from the leaders of opposition party who came up with the manifestos regarding abolish the racial proportion in a HDB estates and other policies that had been implemented for a long period of time, that had been sucessful in ensuring the racial peace in Singapore.

Hope that you ponder over my words, and think about your actions before posting anymore comments. I am typing this here, to let you, and people whom you claim are protecting you, to know what the truth is. I quote from the movie, V for Vendetta, "Politician uses the lies to hide the truth, while artist uses lies to show the truth". I am definately not a politician, neither am I as gifted as an artist, hence, I shall use the fact to show the truth, and I hope that you acknowledge it.

And regarding your 'Iceberg' and 'Maze' hypothesis, I do agree with it, but not at the person whom you are refering to. Hasn't I admit to all my faults and even pointed out those faults of mine that you all didn't see during the 'open-up' session by Miss Low during the first week of school? Now I wonder, have you ever admit to anything that I have said above, which is similar to what a lot of people think about you. So, who is the one, who is really suitable to apply your both hypothesis on? This is one great thing to ponder on.

I saw his blog, I went "Chey!"
(I don't know that something like that is call "substance". For your information, please read so Straits Times thing meant for secondary school students.)

So his mentality stop maturing at secondary school level? That explains his behaviour.

Oh ok. I see.

Anyway, here's something during today's PHYSICS lesson...
We had a TEST! Yay! A test! Well, this time, I am a good boy, I didn't cheat. However, someone keep talking and talking with the people sitting next to him. About what? I don't think I need to mention rite?

Well, you may ask what's the big deal about that guy.

He was the one who said on his blog...
(Oh, he removed that part! But no problem, I saved it, by Mr Kho's advice.)

Somebody did asked me to spent more time on studying my physics, and I did, but that person, ha! Didn't, in the end he resort to cheating and his name was repeated by Mr Lim for so many times during today's lesson.

In the end, he scored lower than me, but this incident says so much about his personality.

As what someone in my group (I mean my S02/05 physics group) had said, these people are not worth mentioning.

(Anyway, when I say higher hierachy, I mean people with some sort of social standing. When did I mention crying parents?
-> Bad inference

Don't know what is a tote bag?
-> Oh my god, really old fashion.

Substance=Designing something by asking people to guess the address of the next link and unfortunately got played by a mere 10000 people (whom are of all mix sorts)?
-> Oh my, I didn't know that holding a post of the Vice Chairman for an upcoming event for all the elites from all secondary schools, and currently deciding on whether should we get JC students, in Singapore is ranked lower than that of his in the society. Or is there some problem with his brains or what?

Denying that someone is his best friend, when the person told me that you both study and go out together
-> I feel pity for that person.)

Okay, as I have said, all these say so much about the rotten personality of that person.

Anyway, let's compare what other's say to each of us when we mention that "hey, I have a classmate like him!"...

His friends: "I will kick him off...", "I will throw him off the boat..."

My friends: "There are always these sorts of people around.", "This kind of people is not worth your time."

Hey! It says so much about the people around both of us.
The people around me: Mature
The people around him: Childish

So, as the chinese proverb goes "You will get affected by the things you get close with". So...?

I have got nothing more to say, you can see for yourself.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Mr Ang Retirement (Part 3)

Mr Ang Retirement (Part 2)

Mr Ang Retirement (Part 1)

Monday, September 12, 2005
There will be PE tml. Please take note.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

A photo gallery has been created for storing/viewing class related photos. If you have any photos you want to share with others, (eg. Gordon sleeping in class, james gaying,,, etc :P) you can upload them to the yahoo group or send them to me through email at tayweikiat@gmail.com or via msn messenger so that I can upload to the gallery here.

Thank you. Be more active!

To kick start photo sharing, who are these 2 people??



Simply called "Walkman", the new digital music player from Sony features ergonomic design and a range of intelligent features that the company says will allow users to enjoy music in a totally new way.The unit brings small touches that make the experience more comfortable. For example, at the press of a button, the ‘Artist Link’ function will search every artist, album and song stored on the device and offer suggestions of artists and bands closely linked to the genre of music being played at the time.Sony Walkman is available in two capacity sizes, the 20GB (NW-A3000) and 6GB (NW-A1000) models, also featuring two new shuffle functions. By selecting ‘My Favorite Shuffle’, the device automatically selects the most listened to 100 songs and plays them at random. The ‘Time Machine Shuffle’ function randomly selects a year and plays all of the songs from that particular year that are currently held on the device.One of the most interesting features though is the advanced organic EL display (2 inches on the 20GB version and 1.5 inches on the 6GB model).Once switched on, a mobile phone style ‘Home’ menu appears offering nine different options that can be selected via the four-way directional button. These include ‘Music Library’, ‘Play Mode’, ‘Initial Search’, ‘Intelligent Shuffle’, ‘Favorite 100’, ‘Play History’, ‘Settings’, ‘Playlist’ and ‘Now Playing’.Music can be searched in a variety of ways, via ‘Genre’, ‘Artist’, ‘Album’, ‘Song’, ‘Release Date’, ‘Rating’ and ‘Recently Transferred’, all of which can be scrolled through to enable users to find their music faster and easier. The device records three years of playback history that can be searched.The 20GB Sony Walkman is available in two colourways (violet and silver), while the 6GB unit comes in the additional colours of pink and blue. All devices package with colour-matched headphones.Sony Walkman features ATRAC3plus and MP3 playback and ships with the new “CONNECT Player” that offers advanced music library management as well as providing seamless access to the CONNECT catalogue of more than one million tracks and albums available for download.The product will initially be launched in Japan with European launch following.”

This is what I call innovation! iPod is renowned for its shuffle function, but how different is it from any other shuffle that creative, sony, iriver or iaudio provides? Once again, stupid consumers are so blinded. Sony still provides players with best battery life, most durability and best sound quality. Now, they have even worked on providing us the best kind of shuffling features out there. Dump iPod, renowned for something that it isn’t even good at, and get Sony, the real winner in this competition who lost out temporary because of blinded consumers.

Forget about creative. They don’t exist.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005
iPod Nano
iPod Nano


“Take everything you love about iPod and shrink it. Now shrink it again. With 2GB (500 songs) and 4GB (1,000 songs) models starting at $199, the pencil-thin iPod nano packs the entire iPod experience into an impossibly small design. So small, it will take your music places you never dreamed of.
Call it astonishing. Unbelievable. Impossible, even. Then pick it up and hold it in your hand. Take in the brilliant color display. Run your thumb around the Click Wheel. Put on the earbuds and turn up your music. That’s when everything becomes clear: It’s an iPod.
It holds up to three days’ worth of music. It plays for up to 14 hours between battery charges.(1) It displays the color album art for the song you’re listening to right now. It carries your photos, podcasts and audiobooks. It syncs seamlessly with iTunes. It connects to a host of iPod accessories. Simply put, iPod nano is 100-percent iPod. And then some.”
WOW! Amazing! The size of iPod Nano is roughly double or even triple that of audio players that can display MTVs and movies on its color screen! iPod Nano is still stuck with stupid still images, and they are making such a big commotion about it. Sigh…
When will iPod lovers learn the truth? As usual, iPod comes with sucky battery life of 14hrs… which in reality only lasts 6~8hours. What’s the point of having so much music when the battery can’t even last long enough? It is pretty pointless taking iPod on long overseas trip too. Seems like an iPod is the worst possible place you can dump your large music collection on, since you won’t be able to enjoy it all. Zzz.
Another consumer deceiving product from Apple.

YOYOYO everyone!!!

James here...

Well, as all of u all noe, promos are nearing. Hmm... Nth to say la.

Juz to wish u all good luck. =)

May the Force Be With U.

Land Ahoy,
InSaNe D6rk Kaiser

Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Sighz.. Holiday is never really a holiday. Today Pearl went to IVLE and to our horror, she discovered this announcement in Low's Gippy Corner:

1) Download and complete the worksheet from the folder SEPTEMBER HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT. (Due on 12/9/05, non-negotiable)

2) Redo your 'The poor will always remain poor. Do you agree? ' essay. Essay can be collected from my pigeon hole from today onwards. (Due on 13/9/05, non-negotiable.)

Monday, September 05, 2005
Don't think there is nid to give anybody the admin right, as long as u can view/post and delete your own posts.

Maybe the classleaders will be given admin rights to do moderation, if this blog manage to kick off properly.

heyy. i have a few points to make...

1) thank you weikiat for setting this up and wenting for her idea.. but im wondering, if the blog can be left as blogspot rather than computer.inoru... cuz im thinking of using a different template lehh. haha. which links to the second point...

2)... that everyone is to be on the admin list or only a few pple? i dunno if its the effect of not being on the admin list or issit because its under computer.inoru... i cant seemed to find anything? haha... no template, settings and etc...

3) urm. sorry to ask... issit right to leave somebody out?

Welcome Everybody
Promo is nearly here. :(

Feel free to use this space to post anything about any announcements, complains, feelings, opinions, viewpoints... etc..

Cheers =D

Welcome to 0205.BLOG.

This is a test.


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